Online Harms: Online Safety Resources
Helping kids stay safe while online is something many families are concerned about. It can be difficult to stay up to date with new technology and how to best protect your kids. offers information about the ever-changing online interests of children, the potential risks they face, and proactive strategies to help keep your child/youth safe while online.
For Parents
- Alerts Alerts are notifications sent out to inform the public of concerning technology trends and new resources designed to increase children’s personal safety. -
This site regularly gleans information from to help parents stay informed about age-specific interests of young people, the risks they face online, and proactive strategies for helping to make their child’s online experiences safer. -
Parenting in the Online World
Recognizing that many parents may feel overwhelmed trying to keep their kids safe on devices, this booklet includes information on current trends and risks such as online luring, sextortion, deepfakes, and online sexual violence.
For Kids
Zoe & Molly Online
This interactive series gives kids an opportunity to have some fun exploring what it means to be safe while playing games online using comics, quizzes and more.
For Youth
This resource offers teens important information and guidance on how to stop the spread of intimate images or videos, and provides support along the way. -
What’s the Deal?
This activity book teaches youth the difference between healthy and unhealthy relationships, how to set personal boundaries, and what to do when boundaries are broken. It also touches on how easy it is to lose control of photos/videos shared online and how to get help. -
It is a Big Deal
This activity book builds teens’ safety confidence to help reduce their vulnerability to victimization through learning about sexual consent, love vs. control in dating relationships, and how to get help if they find themselves in an uncomfortable situation.